200 Pounds of Beauty

Sunday, June 13, 2010 8:49 PM Posted by The Happy Cheese
♫♪ Loving you is easy 'cuz you're beautiful...♪
The line says it all.

In a world where people are judged first by outer beauty, isn't it just common for an ugly fat woman to wish for something more? And when we say more, it could mean having less. And when we say less, it could mean surgical operations to lessen the fats.

The movie is about an ugly fat woman named Hanna. She's a good singer. But what is a good voice without good looks? Admittedly, we mostly see artists today who are sexy and beautiful. Beyonce? Lady Gaga? Rihanna? Isn't it also about the body? And so Hanna worked as a secret vocalist for a very famous artist named Ammy, who lip syncs her performances during concerts since she cannot actually sing.

On the other side of the story, there is this man named Sang-Jun. He's the director of the company where Hanna sings for Ammy. And, oh, the man... Hanna felt that the man also likes her since he had been acting too good with her. But there was a time when she heard the conversation of Ammy and Sang-jun talking about her... for Ammy to be good to her since she's the voice behind her, that if she goes away, her career would also be the one to suffer.

Brokenheartedly, Hanna left and went on to a total plastic surgery. Soon, a beautiful and sexy lady named Jenny appears, not wanting a revenge, but trying to head on a new kind of life. But how could she escape her love for Sang-jun? How could she escape the past and forget whom she truly is when she really can't get through Sang-jun? The girl came back and worked as a new artist for Sang-jun, hiding her real identity. With her beauty now, will Sang-jun finally see her as the woman for him?

The movie is about beauty, love, honesty, and acceptance. It shows a piece of the reality in this world - good looks! Definitely a plus! Sometimes, we don't get to see someone's real worth just because we look at the outer part. But isn't it what's inside that matters? This movie definitely brings a certain message to the world!

Worth watching? Yes.

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